Wednesday, November 28, 2012

#81 He Lets Me Pay Google

As I began to upload photos yesterday of my awesome Thanksgiving, my plans of posting pictures that would make my audience jealously drool all over their computer screens were momentarily foiled when I received this message:

Apparently, I've been blogging so long, or so much, that now that I need to pay to continue blogging, or at least, to continue posting pictures to my blog.

I just thought you, my readers, would be interested in knowing that earth shattering information.

Okay, I also might have secretly hoped you would feel sorry that I need to pay $2.49 a month now just to post pictures on my blog.

Since my blog has reached this plateau of sorts, I would be interested in finding out what kind of things those who have been reading my blog enjoy reading about.

What have been your favorite posts so far?

What other blogs do you read?

What would make this blog better?

And no worries, my Thanksgiving post will be up soon so that you can covet the delights that my family devoured throughout Thanksgiving day.

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